1 min read

Apto Launch Showreel

  • Team
  • Apto Launch Showreel

In conversation with Russell Poole, CEO of Apto: Leading the next wave of Europe’s digital economy

This is the first in a series of articles introducing you to the Apto Leadership Team.

We’re excited to introduce you to our visionary leadership team in our launch showreel!

Apto CEO Russell Poole, along with David West, Roger Gough and Chris Baxter, share their insights on how we’re meeting demand for hyperscale data centres across Europe and how we’re solving a number of problems for our customers.

Russell: “First of all, we’re solving that location problem. Our access to real estate resources and our local contacts allows us to accelerate the process of planning and permits to shorten timeframes. Technically, we’re able to design exactly what our customers need. Commercially, we can put terms in place that work for individual requirements.”

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